A blog for the my love of Warhammer 40K. It's mainly battle reports written in a narrative format but will also cover a few other posts and musings. I hope you enjoy.
Thursday, 31 January 2019
Vigilus Campaign round 1 - complete
Total Control:
130 campaign points - Imperium.
82 campaign points - Orks.
46 campaign points - Tyranids.
28 campaign points - Drukhari.
10 campaign points - Chaos.
10 campaign points - Tau Empire
Round 1 (January 7th to February 4th 2019):
In round 1, the mighty Ork forces make planetfall on Vigilus and immediately begin to assault the nearest hive cities. The Imperial defenders fall to political infighting in their futile attempts to organize a hasty defence.
By the end of the first month, the Imperial forces had turned their in-fighting around and were concentrating all firepower upon the alien aggressors arrayed before them. The Orks had secured a number of vital locations, constructed scrap towns and seized vital supply points. The emerging Genestealer Cult, Drukhari raiders and Chaos presences were for the moment largely ignored and underestimated however.
1st place: Imperium.
2nd place: Orks.
3rd place: Tyranids.
4th place: Drukhari.
5th place: Chaos.
6th place: Tau Empire.
Friday, 25 January 2019
Furious Road - Vigilus
The battle of Furious Road was a battle the growing Ork horde and the entrenched Genestealer Cult occupying one of Vigilus' largest fuel depots. The engagement was brief lasting only a matter of hours.
Two days previously the Cult had seized control of a vital fuel reserve intended for the Vigilus PDF. With signs of Ork vehicles on the horizon, the Cult hunkered down and prepared to weather whatever was coming for the depot. Despite suffering early causalities the Cult held tight to their claim but the tide of buggies and deffkoptas's was relentless.
Week three of our Vigilus narrative saw my poor beaten up Genestealer Cult facing a fun thematic list of Ork speed freaks played by Jon. He picked Storm the Lines and it was more thematic that the Orks be the attacking force. Right away just looking at what Jon had brought to the table I knew that I had no chance so it became a case of just having fun with it and this game was a good fun one.
I set up first in my two deployment zones with my usual hybrids and genestealer squads hiding in the shadows. Jon then set up his host of buggies and deffkoptas in a line across from my bastion. I had first turn and I managed straight away to bring down a unit of two koptas. Unfortunately due to the mission having ongoing assault Jon got them back straight away on his turn one. Alsmost immediately I lost the unit occupying my bastion and he used Da Jump to leap a unit of boyz over to my lines where their shooting took down most of my remaining neophytes.
Turn two and I decided not to bring the reinforcements on just yet. My reason being that I didn't see anywhere that their presence would help all that much and I feared that they would just be gunned down, so I left them hiding. Shooting for me was ineffective really so come Jon's turn he surprises me by both taking out my magus, the remaining neophytes and... AND bringing down my bastion. As I have nothing on the table at the end of a turn Jon wins.
Well, that was a short game.
Even so, we agreed to play on just to see what the outcome would be. I was going to lose so it became an exercise in survival.
Turn three and I brought on both my reserves. The hybrids came on midway down my left board edge with the idea that might be able to assault some of Jon's buggies and claim some blood. The genestealers, patriarch and primus popped up in my deployment zone behind cover (mostly) to try and repel his orks that killed the neophytes. The hybrids lost two men to overwatch and failed the charge. I needed a 12 but it was worth the risk. I just didn't expect to lose anyone I guess in the attempt.
Jon's turn and he moved some boyz to intercept the hybrids and moved his biker warbosses up towards my genestealers. Much dakka dakka later and I've lost the hybrids and the genestealers. He charges my patriarch so we can have warlord on warlord action... and promptly kills my patriarch before I got to do anything. Turn four ended when my Primus was taken down far too easily. Jon won by tabling my entire army.
So, despite the odds being well stacked against me I still had fun with this game. As I keep saying, until Genestealer Cults get a new codex and I can afford to buy some more toys for them I am going to struggle with everything thrown at me. A couple of nice chaps at the club have offered to give me or buy me some needed vehicle options so maybe soon enough I might have a chance. Wish me luck.
From the Shadows remains the biggest bugbear for me at the moment though. It's handy and it's thematic but it never plays out in my favour. I can't afford to not use it, especially for the genestealers, but I am considering not bothering next time just to see what difference it may or may not make.
+++ GSC (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) +++
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) ++
+ HQ +
Magus: Familiar, Power: Mind Control
. . Categories: HQ, Character, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry, Psyker, Genestealer
Patriarch: Familiar, Power: Might From Beyond, Warlord
. . Categories: Faction: Tyranids, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Character, HQ, Psyker, Infantry, Genestealer, Warlord
Primus: Bonesword
. . Categories: HQ, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry, Character
+ Troops +
Acolyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 3x Acolyte Hybrid
. . Acolyte Hybrid (Hand Flamer): Hand Flamer
. . Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon): Autopistol, Heavy Rock Saw
. . Acolyte Leader: Lash Whip and Bonesword
Neophyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 8x Neophyte Hybrid (Lasgun)
. . Neophyte Hybrid (Special Weapon): Grenade Launcher
. . Neophyte Leader: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
. . Neophyte Weapons Team: Lascannon
Neophyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 8x Neophyte Hybrid (Lasgun)
. . Neophyte Hybrid (Special Weapon): Flamer
. . Neophyte Leader: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
. . Neophyte Weapons Team: Heavy Bolter
+ Elites +
Purestrain Genestealers: 16x Purestrain Genestealer, 16x Purestrain Talons
. . Categories: Elites, Faction: Tyranids, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Genestealer, Infantry
++ Fortification Network (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) ++
+ Fortification +
Imperial Bastion: 4x Heavy bolter, Quad-gun
. . Categories: Fortification, Faction: Unaligned, Building, Vehicle, Transport
++ Total: [73 PL, 1099pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
Two days previously the Cult had seized control of a vital fuel reserve intended for the Vigilus PDF. With signs of Ork vehicles on the horizon, the Cult hunkered down and prepared to weather whatever was coming for the depot. Despite suffering early causalities the Cult held tight to their claim but the tide of buggies and deffkoptas's was relentless.
1100 points.
Genestealer Cult vs Orks (Evil Sunz).
Mission: Storm the Lines.
Battle Zone: None.
Week three of our Vigilus narrative saw my poor beaten up Genestealer Cult facing a fun thematic list of Ork speed freaks played by Jon. He picked Storm the Lines and it was more thematic that the Orks be the attacking force. Right away just looking at what Jon had brought to the table I knew that I had no chance so it became a case of just having fun with it and this game was a good fun one.
I set up first in my two deployment zones with my usual hybrids and genestealer squads hiding in the shadows. Jon then set up his host of buggies and deffkoptas in a line across from my bastion. I had first turn and I managed straight away to bring down a unit of two koptas. Unfortunately due to the mission having ongoing assault Jon got them back straight away on his turn one. Alsmost immediately I lost the unit occupying my bastion and he used Da Jump to leap a unit of boyz over to my lines where their shooting took down most of my remaining neophytes.
Turn two and I decided not to bring the reinforcements on just yet. My reason being that I didn't see anywhere that their presence would help all that much and I feared that they would just be gunned down, so I left them hiding. Shooting for me was ineffective really so come Jon's turn he surprises me by both taking out my magus, the remaining neophytes and... AND bringing down my bastion. As I have nothing on the table at the end of a turn Jon wins.
Well, that was a short game.
Even so, we agreed to play on just to see what the outcome would be. I was going to lose so it became an exercise in survival.
Turn three and I brought on both my reserves. The hybrids came on midway down my left board edge with the idea that might be able to assault some of Jon's buggies and claim some blood. The genestealers, patriarch and primus popped up in my deployment zone behind cover (mostly) to try and repel his orks that killed the neophytes. The hybrids lost two men to overwatch and failed the charge. I needed a 12 but it was worth the risk. I just didn't expect to lose anyone I guess in the attempt.
Jon's turn and he moved some boyz to intercept the hybrids and moved his biker warbosses up towards my genestealers. Much dakka dakka later and I've lost the hybrids and the genestealers. He charges my patriarch so we can have warlord on warlord action... and promptly kills my patriarch before I got to do anything. Turn four ended when my Primus was taken down far too easily. Jon won by tabling my entire army.
So, despite the odds being well stacked against me I still had fun with this game. As I keep saying, until Genestealer Cults get a new codex and I can afford to buy some more toys for them I am going to struggle with everything thrown at me. A couple of nice chaps at the club have offered to give me or buy me some needed vehicle options so maybe soon enough I might have a chance. Wish me luck.
From the Shadows remains the biggest bugbear for me at the moment though. It's handy and it's thematic but it never plays out in my favour. I can't afford to not use it, especially for the genestealers, but I am considering not bothering next time just to see what difference it may or may not make.
+++ GSC (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) +++
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) ++
+ HQ +
Magus: Familiar, Power: Mind Control
. . Categories: HQ, Character, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry, Psyker, Genestealer
Patriarch: Familiar, Power: Might From Beyond, Warlord
. . Categories: Faction: Tyranids, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Character, HQ, Psyker, Infantry, Genestealer, Warlord
Primus: Bonesword
. . Categories: HQ, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry, Character
+ Troops +
Acolyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 3x Acolyte Hybrid
. . Acolyte Hybrid (Hand Flamer): Hand Flamer
. . Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon): Autopistol, Heavy Rock Saw
. . Acolyte Leader: Lash Whip and Bonesword
Neophyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 8x Neophyte Hybrid (Lasgun)
. . Neophyte Hybrid (Special Weapon): Grenade Launcher
. . Neophyte Leader: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
. . Neophyte Weapons Team: Lascannon
Neophyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 8x Neophyte Hybrid (Lasgun)
. . Neophyte Hybrid (Special Weapon): Flamer
. . Neophyte Leader: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
. . Neophyte Weapons Team: Heavy Bolter
+ Elites +
Purestrain Genestealers: 16x Purestrain Genestealer, 16x Purestrain Talons
. . Categories: Elites, Faction: Tyranids, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Genestealer, Infantry
++ Fortification Network (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) ++
+ Fortification +
Imperial Bastion: 4x Heavy bolter, Quad-gun
. . Categories: Fortification, Faction: Unaligned, Building, Vehicle, Transport
++ Total: [73 PL, 1099pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
Thursday, 24 January 2019
Slave Raid - Vigilus
Attracted by the growing conflict on Vigilus, Drukhari raiders descend upon outlaying colonies and fuel depots. One such realspace raiding party raced from the webway came with the desire to capture themselves some Genestealers for the fighting pits of the Dark City.
They patrolled the edges of the ruins until they saw what they had come for...
A couple nights ago I got a unexpected game against my friend's Drukhari army in a Vigilus campaign game. As I still only have 1100 points completed we stuck to that. Gary's force was made up of the Kabal of the Black Heart and the Wytch Cult of the Cursed Blade. A good opponent, Gary made a list that was less the usual sort of Drukhari list and was instead focused on some close combat to give my Genestealers something to play with.
We had already agreed to play the Patrol mission and it made sense that the Drukhari were the attacking force. I grabbed my corner and set up my usual - a bastion and two neophyte squads. Heavy bolter team on the ground and the lascannon team in the fortification. Gary deployed a venom with wytch cult inside and a unit of reaver jetbikes. He placed them behind cover where to start with I wouldn't be able to see them.
Gary received the first turn and moved everything forward. He still had cover but I was able to still get a line of sight to his forces. His shooting was brief but he did manage to kill a couple neophytes in the heavy bolter squad. My first turn and I held my ground. Opening fire I did manage to destroy one jetbike and wound another. Shooting his viper proved ineffective.
Turn two and Gary received reinforcements in the form of a razorwing aircraft and kabalites in a raider. The combined firing from these decimated my heavy bolter team. My turn saw the genestealers, patriarch and primus turned up together from the shadows but there was no good way to bring them in effectively. I had to reroll the from the shadows with the primus just to ensure I got some control. In the end I had to have them come on from my table edge behind cover and hope to use them when Gary got too close. My magus also walked on and I really had no where to put him so I brought him on close to the bastion I tried to focus fire from the bastion and the lascannon into the razorwing but I didn't do well. The remaining squad fired down on the jetbikes and they were lucky enough to cause some damage.
Turn three and it really started to go wrong for me. Gary was able to pour so much firepower into my genestealers that I was left with just the patriarch and primus, and the primus didn't last long either. Concentrated firepower, which had previously done next to nothing to my bastion, reduced it down to about five wounds giving me cause for concern. He had leaped his wytch cult out and over the next two turns they engaged the patriarch finally taking him down with losing only one of their number. I just couldn't get them to fail an invulnerable save. My only good luck came when my hybrids walked on behind his archon and cut him into tiny pieces with a power saw and the bastion's autocannons took down the razorwing. Good times!
Turn four I conceded with just one squad left sitting in a very unstable bastion.
Patrol is really not a good mission for my Cult but Gary played a nice list when he could have played something much nastier. Much like my previous game, the From The Shadows rule just didn't work very well.
+++ GSC (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) +++
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) ++
+ HQ +
Magus: Familiar, Power: Mind Control
. . Categories: HQ, Character, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry, Psyker, Genestealer
Patriarch: Familiar, Power: Might From Beyond, Warlord
. . Categories: Faction: Tyranids, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Character, HQ, Psyker, Infantry, Genestealer, Warlord
Primus: Bonesword
. . Categories: HQ, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry, Character
+ Troops +
Acolyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 3x Acolyte Hybrid
. . Acolyte Hybrid (Hand Flamer): Hand Flamer
. . Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon): Autopistol, Heavy Rock Saw
. . Acolyte Leader: Lash Whip and Bonesword
Neophyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 8x Neophyte Hybrid (Lasgun)
. . Neophyte Hybrid (Special Weapon): Grenade Launcher
. . Neophyte Leader: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
. . Neophyte Weapons Team: Lascannon
Neophyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 8x Neophyte Hybrid (Lasgun)
. . Neophyte Hybrid (Special Weapon): Flamer
. . Neophyte Leader: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
. . Neophyte Weapons Team: Heavy Bolter
+ Elites +
Purestrain Genestealers: 16x Purestrain Genestealer, 16x Purestrain Talons
. . Categories: Elites, Faction: Tyranids, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Genestealer, Infantry
++ Fortification Network (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) ++
+ Fortification +
Imperial Bastion: 4x Heavy bolter, Quad-gun
. . Categories: Fortification, Faction: Unaligned, Building, Vehicle, Transport
++ Total: [73 PL, 1099pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
They patrolled the edges of the ruins until they saw what they had come for...
A couple nights ago I got a unexpected game against my friend's Drukhari army in a Vigilus campaign game. As I still only have 1100 points completed we stuck to that. Gary's force was made up of the Kabal of the Black Heart and the Wytch Cult of the Cursed Blade. A good opponent, Gary made a list that was less the usual sort of Drukhari list and was instead focused on some close combat to give my Genestealers something to play with.
We had already agreed to play the Patrol mission and it made sense that the Drukhari were the attacking force. I grabbed my corner and set up my usual - a bastion and two neophyte squads. Heavy bolter team on the ground and the lascannon team in the fortification. Gary deployed a venom with wytch cult inside and a unit of reaver jetbikes. He placed them behind cover where to start with I wouldn't be able to see them.
Gary received the first turn and moved everything forward. He still had cover but I was able to still get a line of sight to his forces. His shooting was brief but he did manage to kill a couple neophytes in the heavy bolter squad. My first turn and I held my ground. Opening fire I did manage to destroy one jetbike and wound another. Shooting his viper proved ineffective.
Turn two and Gary received reinforcements in the form of a razorwing aircraft and kabalites in a raider. The combined firing from these decimated my heavy bolter team. My turn saw the genestealers, patriarch and primus turned up together from the shadows but there was no good way to bring them in effectively. I had to reroll the from the shadows with the primus just to ensure I got some control. In the end I had to have them come on from my table edge behind cover and hope to use them when Gary got too close. My magus also walked on and I really had no where to put him so I brought him on close to the bastion I tried to focus fire from the bastion and the lascannon into the razorwing but I didn't do well. The remaining squad fired down on the jetbikes and they were lucky enough to cause some damage.
Turn three and it really started to go wrong for me. Gary was able to pour so much firepower into my genestealers that I was left with just the patriarch and primus, and the primus didn't last long either. Concentrated firepower, which had previously done next to nothing to my bastion, reduced it down to about five wounds giving me cause for concern. He had leaped his wytch cult out and over the next two turns they engaged the patriarch finally taking him down with losing only one of their number. I just couldn't get them to fail an invulnerable save. My only good luck came when my hybrids walked on behind his archon and cut him into tiny pieces with a power saw and the bastion's autocannons took down the razorwing. Good times!
Turn four I conceded with just one squad left sitting in a very unstable bastion.
Patrol is really not a good mission for my Cult but Gary played a nice list when he could have played something much nastier. Much like my previous game, the From The Shadows rule just didn't work very well.
+++ GSC (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) +++
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) ++
+ HQ +
Magus: Familiar, Power: Mind Control
. . Categories: HQ, Character, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry, Psyker, Genestealer
Patriarch: Familiar, Power: Might From Beyond, Warlord
. . Categories: Faction: Tyranids, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Character, HQ, Psyker, Infantry, Genestealer, Warlord
Primus: Bonesword
. . Categories: HQ, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry, Character
+ Troops +
Acolyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 3x Acolyte Hybrid
. . Acolyte Hybrid (Hand Flamer): Hand Flamer
. . Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon): Autopistol, Heavy Rock Saw
. . Acolyte Leader: Lash Whip and Bonesword
Neophyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 8x Neophyte Hybrid (Lasgun)
. . Neophyte Hybrid (Special Weapon): Grenade Launcher
. . Neophyte Leader: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
. . Neophyte Weapons Team: Lascannon
Neophyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 8x Neophyte Hybrid (Lasgun)
. . Neophyte Hybrid (Special Weapon): Flamer
. . Neophyte Leader: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
. . Neophyte Weapons Team: Heavy Bolter
+ Elites +
Purestrain Genestealers: 16x Purestrain Genestealer, 16x Purestrain Talons
. . Categories: Elites, Faction: Tyranids, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Genestealer, Infantry
++ Fortification Network (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) ++
+ Fortification +
Imperial Bastion: 4x Heavy bolter, Quad-gun
. . Categories: Fortification, Faction: Unaligned, Building, Vehicle, Transport
++ Total: [73 PL, 1099pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
Friday, 18 January 2019
Discovered! - Vigilus
With the Ork menace now firmly entrenched on the surface, elements of the Planetary Defence Forces began to patrol the weaker edges of the hives. One such patrol stumbled upon a Cult outpost and recognizing Xenos taint, began a purging of the area.
With the PDF closing in, the Cult swiftly dug in and prepared to repel the attacking force. To start with they did well but once the enemy closed the distance things took a turn for the worse.
Second game with the Genestealer Cult and my second in the club narrative. This time I faced Elliot and his Astra Militarum - although I had expected to face his Adeptus Custodes so this was an interesting development.
We had already agreed on playing the Patrol mission and rolled for who took what role. Elliot was the attacker which did make more narrative sense. I picked my corner and set up the bastion and both neophyte squads. Everything else sat in reserve or in the shadows. Elliots deployment was a chimera with bullgryns and a squad of tempestus guardsmen.
I had the first turn and there was little to do. Everything was out of range of my weapons so the heavy bolter squad advanced into the cover of a nearby ruin giving them a line of fire down one street where I knew the enemy would have to advance. On his turn Elliot moved the chimera into a position where we both agreed it would have cover. Turn one was over without a single shot being fired!
As the game progressed things swiftly went in Elliot's favour. I failed to get any reinforcements turn two and my shooting knocked a single wound from the chimera. On his turn almost all of his reinforcements arrived, including a vulture gunship! A small unit of tempestus scions dropped down in a ruin across from my heavy bolter team and a culexis assassin appeared in a ruin across from my bastion. I lost quite a few models from his shooting and the resulting battle shock. It was not looking good.
Turn three and at last help arrived for the besieged cult. The genestealers, patriarch and primus popped up from the shadows. The first roll would have let Elliot choose the two table edges where I might appear and I didn't trust him not to put me across the table or at the far end from my forces so I had the primus re-roll. This time I got to choose the table edges and it was a hard decision. So much of what he had had come in was bunched together so that I was forced to basically appear almost in my own lines. Perhaps I would have been better off taking the first roll. My shooting was terrible and I think I took a wound off the Vulture and killed a scion. My dice were not in my favour this game.
Elliot got the rest of his forces on the table and my genestealers found themselves staring down a leman russ executioner! Said executioner and wyvern then decimated over half the genestealers. At this point I knew the game was lost. I had little to know way of doing much to him now. This turn also saw the bullgryns climb out of the chimera and take out the last of the heavy bolter team.
Turn four and I got some revenge. My hybrid squad popped up from the shadows close to the culexis and my magos arrived just a little too late to help out. Smites flew and I did manage a couple wounds but the genestealers managed to dispatch the bullgryns while the patriarch, who now sat atop a ruined tower, attempted to leap at the Vulture. I had a cool narrative in my mind of it leaping onto the cockpick and ripping the pilot out. Instead he took seven wounds from the punisher cannons in overwatch. The hybrids managed to, mainly through the heavy rock saw take two wounds from the assassin but then died to it's counter attack.
It was at this point that I accepted defeated and gave an epic handshake to my opponent. Elliot's list was well played and just not what I am currently capable of dealing with. It was frustrating at times but a good evening's gaming.
I think the mission wasn't great for me either. I need to decide when my units pop out of the shadows and Patrol forces you to roll to see if they turn up. That hurt but would it have helped me if those units had come in earlier? Probably not. I think Elliot's guardsmen would have just killed me all the sooner.
+++ GSC (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) +++
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) ++
+ HQ +
Magus: Familiar, Power: Mind Control
. . Categories: HQ, Character, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry, Psyker, Genestealer
Patriarch: Familiar, Power: Might From Beyond, Warlord
. . Categories: Faction: Tyranids, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Character, HQ, Psyker, Infantry, Genestealer, Warlord
Primus: Bonesword
. . Categories: HQ, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry, Character
+ Troops +
Acolyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 3x Acolyte Hybrid
. . Acolyte Hybrid (Hand Flamer): Hand Flamer
. . Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon): Autopistol, Heavy Rock Saw
. . Acolyte Leader: Lash Whip and Bonesword
Neophyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 8x Neophyte Hybrid (Lasgun)
. . Neophyte Hybrid (Special Weapon): Grenade Launcher
. . Neophyte Leader: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
. . Neophyte Weapons Team: Lascannon
Neophyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 8x Neophyte Hybrid (Lasgun)
. . Neophyte Hybrid (Special Weapon): Flamer
. . Neophyte Leader: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
. . Neophyte Weapons Team: Heavy Bolter
+ Elites +
Purestrain Genestealers: 16x Purestrain Genestealer, 16x Purestrain Talons
. . Categories: Elites, Faction: Tyranids, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Genestealer, Infantry
++ Fortification Network (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) ++
+ Fortification +
Imperial Bastion: 4x Heavy bolter, Quad-gun
. . Categories: Fortification, Faction: Unaligned, Building, Vehicle, Transport
++ Total: [73 PL, 1099pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
With the PDF closing in, the Cult swiftly dug in and prepared to repel the attacking force. To start with they did well but once the enemy closed the distance things took a turn for the worse.
Second game with the Genestealer Cult and my second in the club narrative. This time I faced Elliot and his Astra Militarum - although I had expected to face his Adeptus Custodes so this was an interesting development.
We had already agreed on playing the Patrol mission and rolled for who took what role. Elliot was the attacker which did make more narrative sense. I picked my corner and set up the bastion and both neophyte squads. Everything else sat in reserve or in the shadows. Elliots deployment was a chimera with bullgryns and a squad of tempestus guardsmen.
I had the first turn and there was little to do. Everything was out of range of my weapons so the heavy bolter squad advanced into the cover of a nearby ruin giving them a line of fire down one street where I knew the enemy would have to advance. On his turn Elliot moved the chimera into a position where we both agreed it would have cover. Turn one was over without a single shot being fired!
As the game progressed things swiftly went in Elliot's favour. I failed to get any reinforcements turn two and my shooting knocked a single wound from the chimera. On his turn almost all of his reinforcements arrived, including a vulture gunship! A small unit of tempestus scions dropped down in a ruin across from my heavy bolter team and a culexis assassin appeared in a ruin across from my bastion. I lost quite a few models from his shooting and the resulting battle shock. It was not looking good.
Turn three and at last help arrived for the besieged cult. The genestealers, patriarch and primus popped up from the shadows. The first roll would have let Elliot choose the two table edges where I might appear and I didn't trust him not to put me across the table or at the far end from my forces so I had the primus re-roll. This time I got to choose the table edges and it was a hard decision. So much of what he had had come in was bunched together so that I was forced to basically appear almost in my own lines. Perhaps I would have been better off taking the first roll. My shooting was terrible and I think I took a wound off the Vulture and killed a scion. My dice were not in my favour this game.
Elliot got the rest of his forces on the table and my genestealers found themselves staring down a leman russ executioner! Said executioner and wyvern then decimated over half the genestealers. At this point I knew the game was lost. I had little to know way of doing much to him now. This turn also saw the bullgryns climb out of the chimera and take out the last of the heavy bolter team.
Turn four and I got some revenge. My hybrid squad popped up from the shadows close to the culexis and my magos arrived just a little too late to help out. Smites flew and I did manage a couple wounds but the genestealers managed to dispatch the bullgryns while the patriarch, who now sat atop a ruined tower, attempted to leap at the Vulture. I had a cool narrative in my mind of it leaping onto the cockpick and ripping the pilot out. Instead he took seven wounds from the punisher cannons in overwatch. The hybrids managed to, mainly through the heavy rock saw take two wounds from the assassin but then died to it's counter attack.
It was at this point that I accepted defeated and gave an epic handshake to my opponent. Elliot's list was well played and just not what I am currently capable of dealing with. It was frustrating at times but a good evening's gaming.
I think the mission wasn't great for me either. I need to decide when my units pop out of the shadows and Patrol forces you to roll to see if they turn up. That hurt but would it have helped me if those units had come in earlier? Probably not. I think Elliot's guardsmen would have just killed me all the sooner.
+++ GSC (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) +++
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) ++
+ HQ +
Magus: Familiar, Power: Mind Control
. . Categories: HQ, Character, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry, Psyker, Genestealer
Patriarch: Familiar, Power: Might From Beyond, Warlord
. . Categories: Faction: Tyranids, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Character, HQ, Psyker, Infantry, Genestealer, Warlord
Primus: Bonesword
. . Categories: HQ, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry, Character
+ Troops +
Acolyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 3x Acolyte Hybrid
. . Acolyte Hybrid (Hand Flamer): Hand Flamer
. . Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon): Autopistol, Heavy Rock Saw
. . Acolyte Leader: Lash Whip and Bonesword
Neophyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 8x Neophyte Hybrid (Lasgun)
. . Neophyte Hybrid (Special Weapon): Grenade Launcher
. . Neophyte Leader: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
. . Neophyte Weapons Team: Lascannon
Neophyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 8x Neophyte Hybrid (Lasgun)
. . Neophyte Hybrid (Special Weapon): Flamer
. . Neophyte Leader: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
. . Neophyte Weapons Team: Heavy Bolter
+ Elites +
Purestrain Genestealers: 16x Purestrain Genestealer, 16x Purestrain Talons
. . Categories: Elites, Faction: Tyranids, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Genestealer, Infantry
++ Fortification Network (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) ++
+ Fortification +
Imperial Bastion: 4x Heavy bolter, Quad-gun
. . Categories: Fortification, Faction: Unaligned, Building, Vehicle, Transport
++ Total: [73 PL, 1099pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
Thursday, 10 January 2019
Battle of Kragen Gorge - Vigilus
The Ork horde had barely set foot upon the blighted wastes of Vigilus when across the world the first incursion of a more terrible nature manifested. In the foothills where several small mining settlements were located the Warp manifested with murderous intent. A host of powerful daemons, servants of the Blood God, breached reality and laid waste to many of these. Only a small contingent of Vigilus secret masters - the genestealer cult - stood in their path.
This is my first game with the new Genestealer Cult army, although at this time I am having to use the out of date Index in order to run them. My friend Mike was starting a new army as well so agreed that our first game would be a nice learning curve for both of us. We settled on the points that I had built and painted - 1100, and I requested the introductory Only War mission as it wasn't too complex and we could focus on learning our armies.
Half of mine sat in Cult Ambush and the rest claimed a bastion and a wooded hill top to let me cover the two long sides of the table with what long range firepower I had. Mike deployed his army mostly along the central line with one sizable unit of Bloodletters held back in the Warp.
I got the first turn and moved a couple neophytes closer so that some Bloodletters were in range of their lasguns but that was all. I wanted the daemons to come running at me and be cut down on the way. My shooting wasn't great though. I think I killed a couple Bloodletters and knocked a single wound from Mike's Bloodthirster. His turn and he moved everything up the table. His only shooting was a single Skull Canon which sat at the back of the table. It fired this turn and then never again, and even then it failed to cause any injuries!
Turn two and I was a little more successful. A unit of acoylytes emerged from the tunnels down my right flank looking to engage the Bloodletters. I didn't expect them to survive. They were just there to try and occupy his troops. As for my main chunk - the Patriarch, Primus and the Genestealers - I was torn. Mike wasn't going for the objectives but for the kill so I had to do likewise. After some thinking about where to drop them, they came in at the back of my table edge ready to assault wherever came close enough. Not a great move but I don't think even in hindsight that I had any better option. I did knock a couple more Bloodletters down with shooting and one Flesh Hound played catch with a grenade much to his dismay!
Then it went really badly. Mike brought his remaining unit of Bloodletters down square in front of my lines and activated a stratgem. These Bloodletters then surged into my genestealer squad and the Bloodthirster made it into the neophyte squad to my right. Two other Bloodletter squads turned around and assaulted the Acolytes. Needless to say, the Acoytes died before they could do anything but over watch a single daemon and everything else got in without taking a wound. My Genestealers were almost decimated. It was only the attacks back boosted by the Patriarch's psychic might and the guidance of the Primus that ensured some casualties were inflicted back. As you can probably guess, the Neophytes died a horrific death at the hands of the greater daemon.
Turn 3 wasn't much better. I had the Primus jump back into the tunnels and escape. I may not win the game but I was going to get a victory point. That was my new goal. The Magus threw his mind control physic ability into the Bloodletters who then slaughtered the Flesh Hounds next to them. Using his familiar, the Magus tried to smite the greater daemon, promptly periled and exploded. Not good. Shooting did nothing again. Not from lack of damage but because the dice did not want me to hit! Mike's turn and I lost my Genestealers. His Bloodthirster charged my Bastion and dropped it to just seven wounds remaining!
Turn 4 and the Primus popped up across the board away from the enemy but in range of an objective. I would have my point! My Patriarch slaughtered the remaining Bloodletters before him and that was that. Mike's turn and his Bloodthirster tore down the bastion and killing one man left inside. He consolidated into the survivours as they climbed from the rubble.
Turn 5 and I had nothing to do. This turn the Bloodthirster slaughtered the Neophytes and consolidated into my Patriarch, who then died to that mighty axe! With just the Primus left at the far end of the table I conceded.
I went into this game knowing full well that daemons were going to butcher me. It's the number of attacks and the fact that I can't drop his invulnerable saves with my claws. But I went in with the mindset that this was a training game for both of us and win or lose I would come away with a better idea of how Genestealer Cults work prior to the new codex. Against a different army I might have fared better. The mission set up wasn't great for me as there is not a no-man's-lands between the armies under Only War, giving Mike's daemons a nice clear run at me. I don't think I made any bad tactical decisions as what I had was very much do or die. If it worked.. great. If not... I was in the same position anyway.
Even with the loss, I had a throughly enjoyable game against a great opponent. I've had a bit of a break from Warhammer 40K and this game made a really good evening. Looking forward to a rematch at some point when I have a few more models.
+++ GSC (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) +++
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) ++
+ HQ +
Magus: Familiar, Power: Mind Control
. . Categories: HQ, Character, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry, Psyker, Genestealer
Patriarch: Familiar, Power: Might From Beyond, Warlord
. . Categories: Faction: Tyranids, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Character, HQ, Psyker, Infantry, Genestealer, Warlord
Primus: Bonesword
. . Categories: HQ, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry, Character
+ Troops +
Acolyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 3x Acolyte Hybrid
. . Acolyte Hybrid (Hand Flamer): Hand Flamer
. . Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon): Autopistol, Heavy Rock Saw
. . Acolyte Leader: Lash Whip and Bonesword
Neophyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 8x Neophyte Hybrid (Lasgun)
. . Neophyte Hybrid (Special Weapon): Grenade Launcher
. . Neophyte Leader: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
. . Neophyte Weapons Team: Lascannon
Neophyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 8x Neophyte Hybrid (Lasgun)
. . Neophyte Hybrid (Special Weapon): Flamer
. . Neophyte Leader: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
. . Neophyte Weapons Team: Heavy Bolter
+ Elites +
Purestrain Genestealers: 16x Purestrain Genestealer, 16x Purestrain Talons
. . Categories: Elites, Faction: Tyranids, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Genestealer, Infantry
++ Fortification Network (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) ++
+ Fortification +
Imperial Bastion: 4x Heavy bolter, Quad-gun
. . Categories: Fortification, Faction: Unaligned, Building, Vehicle, Transport
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
This is my first game with the new Genestealer Cult army, although at this time I am having to use the out of date Index in order to run them. My friend Mike was starting a new army as well so agreed that our first game would be a nice learning curve for both of us. We settled on the points that I had built and painted - 1100, and I requested the introductory Only War mission as it wasn't too complex and we could focus on learning our armies.
Half of mine sat in Cult Ambush and the rest claimed a bastion and a wooded hill top to let me cover the two long sides of the table with what long range firepower I had. Mike deployed his army mostly along the central line with one sizable unit of Bloodletters held back in the Warp.
I got the first turn and moved a couple neophytes closer so that some Bloodletters were in range of their lasguns but that was all. I wanted the daemons to come running at me and be cut down on the way. My shooting wasn't great though. I think I killed a couple Bloodletters and knocked a single wound from Mike's Bloodthirster. His turn and he moved everything up the table. His only shooting was a single Skull Canon which sat at the back of the table. It fired this turn and then never again, and even then it failed to cause any injuries!
Turn two and I was a little more successful. A unit of acoylytes emerged from the tunnels down my right flank looking to engage the Bloodletters. I didn't expect them to survive. They were just there to try and occupy his troops. As for my main chunk - the Patriarch, Primus and the Genestealers - I was torn. Mike wasn't going for the objectives but for the kill so I had to do likewise. After some thinking about where to drop them, they came in at the back of my table edge ready to assault wherever came close enough. Not a great move but I don't think even in hindsight that I had any better option. I did knock a couple more Bloodletters down with shooting and one Flesh Hound played catch with a grenade much to his dismay!
Then it went really badly. Mike brought his remaining unit of Bloodletters down square in front of my lines and activated a stratgem. These Bloodletters then surged into my genestealer squad and the Bloodthirster made it into the neophyte squad to my right. Two other Bloodletter squads turned around and assaulted the Acolytes. Needless to say, the Acoytes died before they could do anything but over watch a single daemon and everything else got in without taking a wound. My Genestealers were almost decimated. It was only the attacks back boosted by the Patriarch's psychic might and the guidance of the Primus that ensured some casualties were inflicted back. As you can probably guess, the Neophytes died a horrific death at the hands of the greater daemon.
Turn 3 wasn't much better. I had the Primus jump back into the tunnels and escape. I may not win the game but I was going to get a victory point. That was my new goal. The Magus threw his mind control physic ability into the Bloodletters who then slaughtered the Flesh Hounds next to them. Using his familiar, the Magus tried to smite the greater daemon, promptly periled and exploded. Not good. Shooting did nothing again. Not from lack of damage but because the dice did not want me to hit! Mike's turn and I lost my Genestealers. His Bloodthirster charged my Bastion and dropped it to just seven wounds remaining!
Turn 4 and the Primus popped up across the board away from the enemy but in range of an objective. I would have my point! My Patriarch slaughtered the remaining Bloodletters before him and that was that. Mike's turn and his Bloodthirster tore down the bastion and killing one man left inside. He consolidated into the survivours as they climbed from the rubble.
Turn 5 and I had nothing to do. This turn the Bloodthirster slaughtered the Neophytes and consolidated into my Patriarch, who then died to that mighty axe! With just the Primus left at the far end of the table I conceded.
I went into this game knowing full well that daemons were going to butcher me. It's the number of attacks and the fact that I can't drop his invulnerable saves with my claws. But I went in with the mindset that this was a training game for both of us and win or lose I would come away with a better idea of how Genestealer Cults work prior to the new codex. Against a different army I might have fared better. The mission set up wasn't great for me as there is not a no-man's-lands between the armies under Only War, giving Mike's daemons a nice clear run at me. I don't think I made any bad tactical decisions as what I had was very much do or die. If it worked.. great. If not... I was in the same position anyway.
Even with the loss, I had a throughly enjoyable game against a great opponent. I've had a bit of a break from Warhammer 40K and this game made a really good evening. Looking forward to a rematch at some point when I have a few more models.
+++ GSC (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) +++
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) ++
+ HQ +
Magus: Familiar, Power: Mind Control
. . Categories: HQ, Character, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry, Psyker, Genestealer
Patriarch: Familiar, Power: Might From Beyond, Warlord
. . Categories: Faction: Tyranids, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Character, HQ, Psyker, Infantry, Genestealer, Warlord
Primus: Bonesword
. . Categories: HQ, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry, Character
+ Troops +
Acolyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 3x Acolyte Hybrid
. . Acolyte Hybrid (Hand Flamer): Hand Flamer
. . Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon): Autopistol, Heavy Rock Saw
. . Acolyte Leader: Lash Whip and Bonesword
Neophyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 8x Neophyte Hybrid (Lasgun)
. . Neophyte Hybrid (Special Weapon): Grenade Launcher
. . Neophyte Leader: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
. . Neophyte Weapons Team: Lascannon
Neophyte Hybrids: Cult Icon
. . Categories: Troops, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Faction: Tyranids, Infantry
. . 8x Neophyte Hybrid (Lasgun)
. . Neophyte Hybrid (Special Weapon): Flamer
. . Neophyte Leader: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
. . Neophyte Weapons Team: Heavy Bolter
+ Elites +
Purestrain Genestealers: 16x Purestrain Genestealer, 16x Purestrain Talons
. . Categories: Elites, Faction: Tyranids, Faction: Genestealer Cults, Genestealer, Infantry
++ Fortification Network (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) ++
+ Fortification +
Imperial Bastion: 4x Heavy bolter, Quad-gun
. . Categories: Fortification, Faction: Unaligned, Building, Vehicle, Transport
++ Total: [73 PL, 1099pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
Wednesday, 9 January 2019
Vigilus Crusade round 1
The club's Vigilus narrative kicks off this week with round 1 running from January 7th to February 4th. This is definitely going to be a long running campaign.
In round 1, the mighty Ork forces make planetfall on Vigilus and immediately begin to assault the nearest hive cities. The Imperial defenders fall to political infighting in their futile attempts to organize a hasty defence.
The special rules for this round are that ORKS get an extra inch movement when advancing and charging. IMPERIUM units get an extra point of leadership. On the downside any IMPERIUM armies that include elements of the ADEPTUS SORORITAS, ASTRA MILITARUM and/or ADEPTUS MECHANICUS lose a command point.
So thankfully nothing there affects my little Genestealer Cult yet but there are a few Ork and Imperium players who are going to be taking notice of that special rule. At least one Imperial player is going to be combining some armies but I guess they don't see it as too much of a problem.
This is going to be interesting. We have several club matches already planned for the month. I have a feeling that the Imperium are going to be mounting a solid defence to start with.
In round 1, the mighty Ork forces make planetfall on Vigilus and immediately begin to assault the nearest hive cities. The Imperial defenders fall to political infighting in their futile attempts to organize a hasty defence.
The special rules for this round are that ORKS get an extra inch movement when advancing and charging. IMPERIUM units get an extra point of leadership. On the downside any IMPERIUM armies that include elements of the ADEPTUS SORORITAS, ASTRA MILITARUM and/or ADEPTUS MECHANICUS lose a command point.
So thankfully nothing there affects my little Genestealer Cult yet but there are a few Ork and Imperium players who are going to be taking notice of that special rule. At least one Imperial player is going to be combining some armies but I guess they don't see it as too much of a problem.
This is going to be interesting. We have several club matches already planned for the month. I have a feeling that the Imperium are going to be mounting a solid defence to start with.
Thursday, 3 January 2019
Missions - Matched Play
Matched Play is the default game style for Warhammer 40K and is based around both players having even sized armies playing balanced missions. Matched Play is my second favourite play style after Maelstrom of War. Scenarios are simple and straight forward, perfect for pick up games and pre-arranged games a like. Both armies are of relatively equal points values so games are a lot fairer than say narrative games.
Matched Play missions work very well for tournaments and organised play alike. If you want a kill point mission or an objective controlling one then they exist. Players don't have to worry about awkward additional rules and strange additions that might skew any results for a tournament.
Unlike Narrative Play, Matched Play doesn't try to recreate "historical" engagements but instead focuses on the critical few minutes and actions of a much larger battle, those moments which turn the tide and secure victory for one side.
Wednesday, 2 January 2019
2019 here we come
2018 has gone the way of all flesh and 2019 is just beginning. I'm going to take a few minutes to talk about my thoughts of 40K in the past year from my experience.
Real life events aside, 2018 saw my love of the game waver somewhat. Not because of the game itself as I still feel that 8th edition is the best the game as ever been but because of the sheer negativity that has been cast at the game by both the online community and sadly, a couple people in my own local club. While I try to be positive it was hard when so many people are putting the game down rather than seeing how good it actually is.
Couple that with my losing interest in the Death Guard army I had collected, I couldn't get motivated like I had in the past. That has thankfully changed with my decision to change to something else. I am really looking forward to getting some games in with my new Genestealer Cult force. Something must be right as I already have my starting force painted - something I never managed to do at all with any previous army I had. Wish me luck.
I'm always trying to get my local club motivated to try different things. In the past during the days of 4th and 5th edition I used to run frequent campaigns which always proved popular. These days we don't have the same players and the newer members don't seem interested for some reason. But I am pleased that we are going to be playing our own version of the Vigilus Campaign. I was quite surprised that there was the interest that I have.
I'm hoping that this slowly returning positivity is going to roll on and build up momentum. I really want 2019 to be a return to the 40K glory days of old.
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Crusade Battles catchup
It's been a few weeks since I last updated and in that time I have played a further three Crusade games. I am really enjoying playing C...

It's been a few weeks since I last updated and in that time I have played a further three Crusade games. I am really enjoying playing C...
When our local war gaming club came to be in the last years of 4th edition we played our games with the knowledge of the mission we would ...