Wednesday 27 June 2018

8th edition one year on...

It has been a year since Games Workshop blessed us with Warhammer 40K 8th edition. It has had some rough patches but I think we can safely say that this is the best the game has ever been but has it held up as well since it's release? Well as much as I do love this edition, I must say that I enjoyed it more a year ago when we just had the Index books for the army lists. The Codexes have made their armies more powerful but somewhere along the way it has detracted from the casual flavour that the game had at time of release. I don't get quite the same level of entertainment from 8th that I did this time last year.

Game balance has gone from being fairly neutral at release to being a lot more gamey with each new codex. Some codexes, such as Grey Knights, have suffered but most have increased to a level of competitiveness that borders on the old concept of codex creep. While this is to be expected I did prefer the old balance under the Index books. There was discussion at the time that tournament players had helped balance out the Index entries and I had hoped that such would continue but I don't think that has been the case. At least, I have not heard of that since.

The psychic phase is still much better that what it was previously and I have no problem with the so called Smite Spam that has caused Games Workshop to almost nerf the power. I really think it is one of those elements of this edition which seems to have been spoiled by the overly competitive players. Locally I never see Smite being thrown around like many internet posters seem to cry on about. Doesn't mean that it isn't there somewhere but my experiences are very different.

Vehicles were better at surviving at the start of 8th edition. As more codexes have been released I do find that that survivability has begun to dip somewhat, and units like Knights which are obvious fire magnets tend to die far too easily. At the start I was zooming tanks around the battlefield but as the year has passed I find that I either rely on stationary artillery types or else I have fallen back on the idea of leaving tanks in a fortified position much like I did during the previous editions.
I still don't mind vehicles not having facings but I think that weapons should have arcs rather than being able to fire from any point on the model.

Command Points (CP) have been a great addition and recently modified based upon the three main detachments. However, I would like to see a change. Rather than a base number plus whatever the detachment gives you I would rather that each player receives a set number - I would say 15 or 20 - regardless of detachments or game size. The reason being that that would allow the basic stratagems like re-rolls but would also allow players to more fully utilize the army specific stratagems which otherwise don't really see a lot of play.

I'm still very pleased that we no longer have scatter dice or templates. I know that random number of shots has been very popular and that 2D3 would be better than 1D6 but it still works. No more arguments about which way the scatter points or units having to be strung out awkwardly to avoid template hits has been a bit of a godsend in my mind.

I'm still not a fan of the alternating combat system from Age of Sigmar. I'd rather the charging units go first but then the active player picks a combat and everyone fights simultaneously.I find that a fairer way of doing it. It's the only aspect of the IGOUGO system that I don't like.

Likewise I still think that dice rolls should be reversed to be re-rolls and then modifiers. It would more intuitive and make a lot more sense. I have had fellow players try and explain the reasoning but I just don't see the reasons for it.

So all in all, I still find 8th to be the most enjoyable edition of the game thus far. It isn't perfect, we still need decent rules for terrain for instance, but enjoy the games I have a lot more under this rules set than I did previously. If Games Workshop can keep going with the Chapter Approved books and maybe drop us some campaign books then I see the issues it has being fixed and the game growing stronger.

Friday 22 June 2018

The Abraxan Salt Flats - Abraxes

Planet: Abraxes.
Region: Ceres Sector.

Death Guard vs Tyranids - Leviathan.
1500 points
Mission: The Relic.
Deployment: Hammer & Anvil.

This battle took place on a vast expanse of salt flats dotted with abandoned mining stations. It was one of the largest engagement of the first year of the war. The Death Guard had come to this site desperate for resources and munitions to help combat the xenos menace. Although they failed to accomplish their task, they were successful in decimating this army of the Tyranid forces.

Another match up against my friend Shadbolt and his Tyranid forces. We agreed to play The Relic mission and rolled the Hammer & Anvil deployment. I had not had much time, as usual, to plan a list out so I basically took what I played in last week's game minus Mortarion and a couple plague marine models. When I gazed down upon what Shadbolt had brought to face me I knew I was going to have trouble. I should have made the time to work on that army list.

Although I had the option I decided to let the Tyranids get the first turn but only because I didn't want to get my infantry up to the relic and then get assaulted by genestealers. Shadbolt started out moving his gaunts and genestealers forward and quite close to snatching the Relic straight away. Come the shooting phase, he had his tyrannofex start blasting away at my plagueburst crawler. If if I didn't know otherwise I'd think he didn't like it.

For the start of my turn I moved up everything I had pretty much. Only the plagueburst crawler stayed put. On my left flank I was trying to get my hellforged contemptor into combat with Shadbolt's gaunts in order to get some wounds back. My other infantry and bloat drone moved towards the center. I wanted that Relic. My warlord and his deathshrouds moved up the right flank with the idea of getting the big monsters locked in combat.

Although I made many disgustingly resilient rolls on Shadbolt's turn, it was very much in his court. He pulled away from my left flank forces unwilling to risk the combat, and his genestealers snuck in to take the Relic. His shooting was rather spot on, and he knocked a lot of wounds off my crawler, but as it was extremely disappointing this game as usual, I didn't mind so much. Despite my good rolls I was slowly losing models.

The game started to turn when I had an idea on turn 3. Due to my shooting and I think Shadbolt's desire to get his genestealers and broodlord into combat I was able to lure his forces away from the Relic once I had inflicted enough casualties. It cost me everything I had to do it and on turn 4 all I had left was my plaguecaster who had done very little all game. With his demise and the talons of the genestealers the game ended and with no one to have their grubby claws on the Relic the game ended with a draw.



This was a really fun game and goes to show how good 8th edition is when played with a casual attitude. Shadbolt is a great opponent who gets the idea of the non-competitive approach.

My list was okay, but I don't really know what I would have taken differently. Nothing else in my collection would really have helped I don't think.

The Tyranid list was very nice. Genestealers are a nasty unit to deal with and I knew that I was going to struggle there.


++ Battalion Detachment +5CP ++

+ HQ +

Lord of Contagion : Manreaper, The Suppurating Plate

Malignant Plaguecaster : 3. Plague Wind, 6. Curse of the Leper

+ Troops +

Plague Marines : Icon of Despair
. Plague Champion: Plague knife, Plasma gun, Power fist
. 7x Plague Marine w/ boltgun
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Plasma gun
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Plasma gun

Plague Marines : Icon of Despair
. Plague Champion: Plague knife, Plasma gun, Power fist
. 5x Plague Marine w/ boltgun
. Plague Marine w/ melee weapons: Flail of Corruption
. Plague Marine w/ melee weapons: Great plague cleaver
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Plague Spewer
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher

20x Poxwalker

+ Elites +

Deathshroud Terminators
. Deathshroud Champion: Manreaper, Plaguespurt gauntlets
. 2x Deathshroud Terminator: 2x Manreaper, 2x Plaguespurt gauntlets

Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought : Havoc launcher
. Left Arm: Hellflamer, Hellforged deathclaw
. Right Arm: Kheres assault cannon

+ Fast Attack +

Foetid Bloat-drone : 2x Plaguespitters, Plague probe

+ Heavy Support +

Plagueburst Crawler : 2x Entropy cannon, Rothail volley gun


The set up to an all too brief skirmish which saw the Deathshrouds slaughtered.

The battle lines are drawn.

Foul smelling plague marines.

A horde of genestealers waiting to be unleashed.

Monday 18 June 2018

Rain of Warpfire - Susperia

Planet: Susperia.
Region: Eye of Terror.

Death Guard vs Thousand Sons
2000 points.
Mission: The Relic - Fire & Fury.
Deployment: Search and Destroy.

A largest engagement ensued when Mortarion led his Death Guard into the flesh plains thus far unclaimed by any warlord. There they encountered his rival Magnus the Red, also leading his legion forth. As both armies prepared to face off for dominance, a great storm of Warpfire poured from the blazing red sky onto the battlefield.

This is a game against Marko that we had been planning for some time now but either work commitments or illness got in the way. Last week we finally managed to achieve that game.

I want to start off with a small caveat, I am not a sore loser. Even the most one sided game I can happily take something from it and come out happy. Unfortunately this game was not one of those. Much like the game I had some months ago against my friend Mike, the point of this game was supposed to be one of Primarch versus Primarch while the rest of our armies fought and died over the proper mission. A gentleman's agreement if you will. As you will read that is not how it turned out. I just wanted to put this forward now before anyone comments about "that is how the game is played" and calling me out as a sore loser, when that isn't the case.

With that done, enjoy.


Unlike most of the games I play at the club in the last year, my opponent and I had not decided upon a mission in advance. All we knew was that we wanted to use the Fire & Fury battle zone. We rolled off and got The Relic, which I had not played for some time and so was rather excited to play. We rolled the Search & Destroy deployment which also does not come up very often. After picking sides we set up our armies.

I was lucky and secured the first turn. Everything bar my plagueburst crawl moved forward to try and get as close to the Relic as possible. I advanced Mortarion up so that we could get on with the main event of the night. Shooting wasn't very accurate but I did managed to do away with some tzaangors and some cultists. About the only time by plagueburst crawler actually hit anything!

This is where the game took the unpleasant turn. My opponent moved his units, cast the plethora of psychic powers that Thousand Sons are known for and then decided to ignore the point of why we set this game up in the first place. He proceeded to throw smites and open fire with almost everything into Mortarion successfully knocking quite a few wounds off him. More than a little irritated I asked my opponent why? His response being something like smug like "Tzeentch changes things" which quite frankly rubbed me the wrong way. He had obviously decided not to play to the narrative game that we had agreed and instead decided to go full competitive and out for the kill.

Turn two and I pulled a few units back as I realized that Marko had some scarab terminators and a terminator sorcerer in reserve. The main infantry, two plague marine squads and a 20 man block of pox walkers moved forward to grab the Relic. Mortarion prepared for the upcoming fight whilse trying to stay out of sight of the predator trio that Marko had brought to the game.

Marko's turn 2 was explosive. Using his psychic might he stripped Mortarion of his invulnerable save before smiting and unloading almost everything into him. I lost a few plague marines to heavy bolters and a few pox walkers fell. Magnus charged into Mortarion and cut him down. The only good bit was Magnus took a mortal wound from the exploding primarch.

From here I just became somewhat self defeating. Where the first two turns neither of us managed to hit with the flaming bits of warpfire plummeting from the sky but from here I don't think either of us bothered with it. I was just hoping for a quick defeat while Marko was going for the kill.

Over the next couple turns I did manage to get my hands on the Relic twice but both times Magnus charged the lucky unit decimating it. His terminators did drop down into my deployment zone where they blasted the plagueburst crawler and eventually dropped it with smite. Turn five however and Marko had tabled my entire force. This was one game that I was glad was over.


After thoughts...

I find it hard to be objective about this game. When you go into something with an agreed to format and then your opponent ignores that, and proceeds to completely stomp you going to feel a bit pissed off. I must admit that my opponent has history and I am seriously considering not playing them again.

Would it have made much difference had we not made that initial Primarch vs Primarch agreement? I still think Marko would have won. He is just so much more competitive than I am. I would have probably made a very different list but against his psychic might I would still have had a hard time.


+ HQ +

Lord of Contagion [7 PL, 117pts]: Manreaper, The Suppurating Plate

Malignant Plaguecaster [6 PL, 110pts]: 3. Plague Wind, 6. Curse of the Leper

+ Troops +

Plague Marines [13 PL, 231pts]: Icon of Despair
. Plague Champion: Plague knife, Plasma gun, Power fist
. 7x Plague Marine w/ boltgun
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Plasma gun
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Plasma gun

Plague Marines [13 PL, 259pts]: Icon of Despair
. Plague Champion: Plague knife, Plasma gun, Power fist
. 5x Plague Marine w/ boltgun
. Plague Marine w/ melee weapons: Flail of Corruption
. Plague Marine w/ melee weapons: Great plague cleaver
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Plague Spewer
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher

Poxwalkers [6 PL, 120pts]: 20x Poxwalker

+ Elites +

Deathshroud Terminators [11 PL, 180pts]
. Deathshroud Champion: Manreaper, Plaguespurt gauntlets
. 2x Deathshroud Terminator: 2x Manreaper, 2x Plaguespurt gauntlets

Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 196pts]: Havoc launcher
. Left Arm: Hellflamer, Hellforged deathclaw
. Right Arm: Kheres assault cannon

+ Fast Attack +

Foetid Bloat-drone [8 PL, 158pts]: 2x Plaguespitters, Plague probe

+ Heavy Support +

Plagueburst Crawler [8 PL, 152pts]: 2x Entropy cannon, Rothail volley gun

++ Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Chaos - Death Guard) [24 PL, 470pts] ++

+ Lord of War +

Mortarion [24 PL, 470pts]: 4. Blades of Putrefaction, Warlord

++ Total: [106 PL, 1993pts] ++

Wednesday 13 June 2018

First Battle of Castellan - Cerberus

Planet: Cerberus.
Region: Cerberus sector.

Death Guard vs Astra Militarum: Cadian.
1500 points.
Mission: Spoils of War.
Deployment: Front-Line Assault.

The First Battle of Castellan was one of the heaviest battles of the first year of the war. It was initiated as an attempt of the combined Death Guard First and Third armies, to defeat the Astra Militarum and break through their defensive line before the Death Guard could assault the Imperial command structure. The high casualties however forced the Death Guard to call off the attack and allow their adversary to claim victory. 

A return match between my Death Guard and Ashleigh's Cadian guard. Unfortunately due to my opponent forgetting part of his army and having to go back for it, we started rather late and our game was a tad rushed. I had hoped that he would play a regiment other than Cadian so I could cross them off my list but I'm not going to complain. Maybe next time.

Once we had deployed I made the roll to go first and Ashleigh stole it from me with a luck Seize the Initiative roll. Not that going first would have done me well here as my list was a lot more infantry based and I wouldn't have been in a better position.

As we were playing a faster pace game due to time we sort of lost track of the turns and just played. We had a nice set up of terrain so I was largely protected from his tank fire to start with. The objectives started well for me as they were easily achieved by my troops. My dice however, were once again largely against me in the shooting phases. Where I did hit with lascannons from the land raider I nearly always rolled 1 or 2 for damage. It took me a good while to start bringing down Ashleigh's tanks.

It was probably the third turn when I was able to start smacking into the tanks and ogryn in melee. My lord of contagion did a great job of slicing through everything he could get to from chimera to ogryn. Ashleigh seemed desperate to get his hands on my warlord, the daemon prince, but I did everything I could to keep him back until I was able to get the deathshroud terminators deepstriking in nearby.

I'm guessing it was about turn 5 when we had to wrap up due to the venue closing. By the number of cards that Ashleigh had piled up I fully expected him to have a serious lead over me. But when we counted up our victory points he had only one by 1 VP - 9 to my 8. A lot closer than I had expected.


After thoughts...

It was a shame that we had to play this game at a faster pace. Although my list was not geared for such a heavy tank army, I might have done better with time to think. It was a good game though and we had a nice laugh doing so.

I really need to get some more plague marines is what this and other recent games have driven home. I've got to put more thought into my armies and I need more massed fire power.


Tuesday 5 June 2018

Table Building part 1

I've been waiting a long time to start work on my own gaming table at home. I've finally started picking up a few bits for it and tonight I began to set things up to plan out how I want it to look. It has gone through a few changes. Three years ago the plan was to have a mining colony and that turned into an airfield but I was never happy with the plans I drew up.

Finally, something came to mind. One of my favourite military action films is Black Hawk Down and it occurred to me that was going to be the basis for the table design. Something that would work for competitive play and suitable for narrative. I like a heavy terrain table that borders on city fight density but allows enough room for flyers, super heavy vehicles and lords of war. This is what I hope to build with my table.

To start with I have picked up some MDF terrain from Wargames Tournaments - some ruins, a fortified building and I've got a watch tower on the way. The control towers are a pair of garden lights from where I work that were returned because they don't work. Pot Noddle pots for fuel silos, which need to be painted. I also have the old Games Workshop shrine terrain.

I also have a sealed Skyshield Landing Pad waiting to be build which I will include. If I can find a cheap crashed Aquila terrain piece somewhere that will go on there too as my downed "black hawk" in the clearing at the far end. I plan to pick up a few more MDF pieces as I go along, hopefully some bigger pieces for line of sight blocking and some smaller pieces like craters and barricades.

Crusade Battles catchup

 It's been a few weeks since I last updated and in that time I have played a further three Crusade games. I am really enjoying playing C...