Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Objective Markers part 1

While have a bit of a post lockdown clear out recently I found a sealed box of booby traps from the release of 4th edition's Cities of Death supplement. With 9th edition not needing numerical objectives I figure they would do well. Just needed something to mount them on and I found that at work. Where I work we sell child proof plastic caps for electrical sockets. Tonight I glued on the appropriate "booby traps". Now I just need to paint them.

Got my Indomitus box this week as well so it looks like I may have a bit of hobby painting and building to do over the next couple weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome idea. My plan is to make a set of themed objective markers for each of my armies in 9th ed, ready for the Raise the Banners secondary.

    Finding unopened boxed from years ago is always a treat, I've found. Mingled with a little shame for not having gotten around to using them, of course :p


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